Costa Rica swore in a new president today, Laura Chinchilla Miranda. The first surname, Chinchilla, would be her father's surname, while the second, Miranda, is her mother's - the legal use in most if not all Spanish-speaking countries. Here is a link to the article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37041417/ns/world_news-americas/
I decided to look for all women presidents or equivalents in Spanish speaking countries and I came up with this list:
Isabel Peron (Maria Estela Martinez de Peron) Argentina, July 74 to March 76
Lydia Gueiler Tejada, Bolivia, Nov 79 - July 80
Violeta Barrios de Chamorro, Nicaragua April 90 to January 97
Rosalia Arteaga Serrano, Ecuador, Feb 9-11, 1997
Mireya Elisa Moscoso de Arias, Panama, Sept 99 to Sept 04
Michelle Bachelet Jeria, Chile, March 06 to March 10
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Argentina, since Dec 07
That would make Laura Chinchilla the 8th woman president in Latin America. I think the contrast between the image many have of Latin American countries as places where machismo rules (you can go look up machismo at Dictionary.com, among other sites) and the reality is interesting. It becomes even more so when we realize that despite this stereotype of Latin American gender roles as much more rigid than those in the US, we still have not had a women president...and you may recall, when Hillary Clinton ran in the primaries, a guy yelled at her to go home and iron! As you continue your academic careers, remember that reality is always more complex then any simplified notion we read.
Some people have told me that a woman president would be great, as she would be more caring and nurturing than men presidents; she would work to end wars and expand schools. Somehow I really doubt that, as women who work their way up to positions with that much responsibility will have "cut their teeth" so to say, the same way the guys did...or they would not be as powerful as they are.
So for this post:
1.- Go find the definition of machismo, and tell me what it is - in your own words!
2.- Why do you think that Latin America has had 8 female presidents (some ran the country with other titles) but the US, which prides itself on progressive roles for women, has not?
And...go find the countries on a map!
My definition of 'machismo' is an having an exaggerated masculinity mentality. I think that Latin America has had 8 female presidents because they believe in the mind of women more than women in the U.S. I agree that women may have a more nurturing view on things and may not always want to be cruel and strict. People may think that a women president would always put herself in a mothers point of view, for example if a young adult kills someone, or commits a crime that may put the person away for life- who would want their child taken away from them? But i believe that women who are president know that certain issues must be the way they are no matter what. I think that women are under estimated and that having a male president gives a stronger look. A male is known to be dominant, smart, hard working, while women are known to be all about their family, cooking, cleaning and being less involved in politics. I think if the right women was president maybe people would see that there comes a place and time to be a mother and if you're the president obviously you have to think in a different state of mind and i think women are completely capable but haven't been given a chance to prove it. Obviously we've had our share of the worst presidents so men aren't perfect for the job.
ReplyDeleteMy definition of machoisms is having charecteristics or an attitude of extreme masculinity. It actually shocked me when I read that Latin American has had so many female presidents. I think its great that they have been givging women an equal chance to try and better their country. I think the US needs to start broadening our horizons a little bit more. It is a big step for us to have a black president, so I think in the near future if we find a women that fits the job then we will elect them. I don't know if a women would run our country any better than a man has, but we can at least give it a try. I think it depends more on the persons attitude and charecteristics more so then them being male or female.
ReplyDeleteMy definition of machismo is having a high sense of strength, power, control, domination, and masculinity. When I read that Latin American had 8 female presidents I was surprised. Not because it was Latin American but just because I live in the United States and I am not used to hearing about a female president. I think that it is very inspiring to hear about a female president because presidents do not always have to be male. Females can have power and control and brains to run a country just like any man. Seeing 8 female presidents go through Latin American should show some people in the United States that a female can do just as much as a male and maybe slowly stop some people from being sexist.
ReplyDeleteMachismo means to place a high value in masculinity. I feel that the reason the United States Has not had a female president is because well lack of candidates. As well as even though women are equal in are society I feel there is still a subconscious feeling that might not be able to handle the responsibility. I personally feel the country would benefit from a female president.
ReplyDeleteMachismo means basically men rule and they dominate over women, the word means strength of agressiveness. I think that the United States has not had a female president yet, because the country never really gives us an opportunity to acually vote for one. I do think a women can do just as good as a male president, if not better. I think the rest of the country might think that a female wouldnt be stronge enough to lead the country. I'm really surprised that latin countrys had 8 female presidents, but in their country they must have more opportunity to do so.