Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cinco de Mayo and Arizona

This is a double duty post. First of all, a belated happy Cinco de Mayo, which has evolved from a minor political holiday in Mexico to a much bigger celebration in the US. In 1862, France had invaded Mexico, and on May 5th, the much smaller Mexican Army defeated the French in the city of Puebla, a little bit south of Mexico City. In Mexico, it is celebrated in Puebla for the most part. In other parts of the country, there may be a small ceremony in schools, but that is about it. In the US, it has become a celebration of Mexican culture, and I suspect, an informal and unofficial start to the summer season instead of the more traditional Memorial Day. Or is it just an excuse for advertisers to sell more (yes, that was cynical, I know)? Do you celebrate? How?

The second part of this post has to do with the topic of immigration, a pretty big topic right now. Most of us had heard of Marcelo Lucero, even before we went to he screening of "Taught to Hate". In Arizona, a law was passed recently that allows police and other law enforcement agencies to demand proof of legal residency/citizenship in cases where they have any suspicion someone is in the US illegally. There have been a ton of protests, nothing that this law will probably be applied in a very discriminatory way: suspicion will be based on skin color and not on behavior. A California representative went as far as saying it will not be racial discrimination, as you can tell illegal immigrants by their clothing (if you are saying "huh?" to yourself, trust me, you are not alone). While I feel like I have a lot to say in this law, I want to put it out there for your discussion before giving any of my input. Do you think it is a good way to control immigration? Why? If not, give a better solution. Should immigration be controlled?


  1. I think that anything that is being done to control immigration is a step in the right direction. Although it may seem that this law will be a little unfair to certian people and it leaves a lot of room for discrimination it still seem at least in my eyes like a message that the people in thhe united states have had enough.I have nothing against people wanting to come here for a better life but. They should have to come in through the correct channels just like our ansestors had to do with elis island.

  2. I never knew what the real reason for celebrating Cinco de Mayo was until learning in class and this blog. I actually do celebrate it, but in a different way then most. This year me and my boyfriend celebrated our two year anniversary on Cinco de Mayo. When he had first asked me out in 2008, we both didn't even realize that it was Cinco de Mayo.
    If i had been asked this question before watching the movie, i might of had a different answer. I have never ever been racist but was sort of getting annoyed with how the US was slowly changing into english and spanish, for example everywhere you go now has english and spanish writing on signs and other places. I think the US needs to figure out some better system then discriminating immigrants just because of how they look. I think we need to somehow get a balance between controlling the immigration yet not discriminate.

  3. Celebrating Cinco de Mayo in the United States, is just an excuse to drink and party. It is just another way for businesses to make more money. I do not celebrate this holiday and feel if I want to party I could do it any day. Immigration is one of the biggest problems in the United States today and in just a few years spanish is going to be the native language here. I think that we should stop accommodating the immigrant who cross the border since we are only making it worse for ourselves. When ellis island was functional all immigrants had to go through there and were thoroughly checked. All of the immigrant had to adapt to the language of the United States which was english. By putting signs up in both spanish and english we are discouraging the spanish immigrants from learning our language. Immigration should be contolled before it gets out of hand. Many workers are taking money out of our economy and sending it back to there native land. I think that there should be a law that law enforcement agencys should be allowed to ask for proof of residency. Its a right not a privilage.

  4. I dont celebrate cinco de mayo. I think immigration should be control, but i dont think this way is a fair way. Theres has to be a more effective way then this like more control at the borders. i can see why latin americans would be affended of this if they were question if they are americans, because what do Americans really look like ? American economy is down right now and people are just trying to figure out solutions at this time to fix the problem because everybody needs jobs right now.

  5. Just like Taylor, I never knew the real reason of Cinco de Mayo until I read this. No I don't celebrate it. I think it's just an excuse for people to get drunk and for store's to sell things. For example my friend wanted to go to applebees because they had $3 margaritas. If they were regular price he probably would have stayed home.
    As far as immigration goes I think we need to have more control at the borders, like how things used to be. I think that the law is a step forward, but I can also see why it is offensive. I do think it's becoming a problem and something that we should start thinking about fixing. -Courtney T

  6. I had no clue what cinco de mayo was except an excuse to drink on a weekday honestly....However with the immigration "problem" yes the illegal immagrants are in the country however they tend to do jobs that other americans dont want to do...then in turn those same americans complain about their jobs being taken by the illegals...

    Personally i think everyone should go through the proper legal system to become a citizen...but i also understand why the people are leaving their countries and coming parents who are both from the same country immigrated here at different times, and my mother who didnt have working papers had to work illegally for 2 years until she could finally get a social security for me who was born here had it alot easier than my parents because i was born a citizen...rather than had to become one later on

  7. well ive never celebrated Cinco De Mayo, but i knew a little bit about it. from what many people say, its just a night to go out and party and get drunk but then i know other people who just like to celebrate because of their culture. Taught to hat was a good movie and showed me alot, but i still dont know to much about the immigration process. from what i do know, that law passed in Arizona is so ridiculous and shouldnt even be considered a law. I dont have an answer as to what we should be doing, but that law is definitley not the answer to the immigration problems.

  8. I am not a big celebrator of Cinco de Mayo. I don't think the way that the United States is controlling immigration is unfair and i think that it is the best way to go about it. I agree with just about everything Travis said and that the United States is getting fed up with all the illegal immigrants in our country. If they want to come to this country they should have to do it legally and correctly. I don't care if they come here for a better life they should just have to do it legally.

  9. i think cinco de mayo is just another excuse for Americans to go out and drink. It does not even have anyhing to do with America, but most of us go out and just get wasted. I do not go out of my way to celebrate it, but if i hear theres a party going on because of cinco de mayo then i will go out and be like the crowd. i think it is discrimination if you judge someone just by their clothing. I also do not think that immigration should be controlled like this because most of them are helping us out. They do jobs that no one else really does nt want to do. I think we should control immigration by sending them back if we arrest them for doing something wrong. We would not have to pay anything to put them in jail and we are only getting rid of the ones that do harm.

  10. I don't celebrate Cinco de mayo, although my friends see it as just another reason to go out and may be fun to celebrate if you actually spent the day/night with people from Spain. Before seeing "taught to hate" i still knew about the major discrimination that goes on everywhere towards immigrants..after seeing the film it just angered me to see that young adults could be so cruel and take matters into their own hands without immigration even effecting them directly. I dont think theres anything wrong with people making a living and i think that its sad because 9 times out of 10 will never have the oppertunities americas have ... they didnt have families that sent that to college or helped them make their way. Every race has their criminals..if an american person did something wrong then its in the hands of the law, and that should go for anyone..but if they've done nothing wrong, then let it be.

  11. The Arizona police are not wrong with wanting to know the knowledge of who coming and going in and out of there state. However when asking for legitimacy of legalization no matter what the reason is profiling which is illegal. I really cannot think of a way for immigration be controlled. America is supposed to be the land of opportunity and I seems wrong to deny people the opportunity to better himself.

  12. I disagree greatly with this law and I think its racist. People can't help where they're born, and when you're born somewhere that has no jobs you move somewhere that does, or you starve. Every American would do the same. Its also racist to profile a person based on what they look like, they're plenty of legal Mexican immigrants and Mexican-American citizens living in Arizona as well.
